BoxCycle offers two kinds of Wanted Listings. The first type is a request to be notified anytime matching boxes are listed in the area. Anyone can create this type of Wanted Listing using the link at the bottom of Buy Boxes pages. The second type, which is detailed on this page, requires a BoxCycle seller account; it is a promise to purchase specific boxes if they are offered at requested prices.
Seller Wanted Listings allow getting boxes with minimal effort and expense by connecting with people who prefer to quickly sell their useable boxes directly to ready buyers instead of becoming a seller or watching their boxes go in the trash.
All used boxes must meet our minimum quality standards. Buyers can specify higher quality requirements in their Wanted Listing. Buyers cannot impose higher quality requirements at meeting, but are also not obligated to take, or pay for, any boxes below original requirements. If finding quality boxes is difficult because there is a large number of unacceptable boxes brought by the seller, the buyer can cancel the entire transaction or negotiate another mutually acceptable arrangement with the seller.
Sellers need to make sure that a significant majority of their boxes meet requirements specified in the buyer's listing.
Buyers are encouraged to take non-matching boxes and handle their recycling, especially if they are a small proportion of the order, but are not obligated to do so.
Counting a large number of boxes can be time consuming. Since buyers pay sellers directly, BoxCycle does not need to know the exact final box count or amount paid - buyers and sellers just both have to agree. Buyers can count the boxes, use sellers' count, make an estimate by size or weight, adjust the order based on quality, etc.
This does not mean that barganing should normally occur at meeting. Buyers must accept the quantity of boxes they agreed to accept at the originally agreed per box price if those boxes meet the requirements and quality standards specified in their listing. Boxes can always be counted and inspected to resolve a dispute. However, buyers and sellers can use any solution they find mutually agreeable to reduce the hassle of counting. Buyers should get seller signature confirming agreement to the final payment amount.
Sellers are encouraged, but not required, to flatten boxes. Buyers can pay up to 50% less for boxes that weren't flattened (boxes that are normally sold unflattened when new are excepted.)
Buyers from anywhere in the United States can create Wanted Listings. Sellers can view existing listings in their area by going to Wanted Listings and entering their location.
If you are outside of the United States tell us about your interest and we'll notify you when we are available in your country.
Some buyers offer pickup. Check the Distance column of the search results for the pickup icon - - if you see it, this
buyer can pickup from you. Otherwise your order with them will need to be dropped off.
There are several different types of Wanted Listings. If the Buyer is interested in direct purchases, their listing will show purchase prices and have a green 'Sell to This Buyer' button. To start the process, specify how many of the requested boxes you have available, click the green button, and proceed through Checkout.
If the listing includes a 'List Boxes' link instead of the 'Sell to This Buyer' button then you cannot directly contact or sell to this buyer, but they will be notified if you create a Seller Listing that matches their request.
BoxCycle collects a fee of $10 from the seller. If the buyer offers pickup, we also collect any pickup fees requested by the buyer. These costs must be paid by Credit Card or PayPal at the time of order. The buyer will pay you directly, usually in cash, for any purchased boxes.
These fees:
Please note that creating a regular Seller Listing has no up-front costs and may provide a much higher after-commission payment for your boxes.
Boxes are accepted by independent buyers. To see locations currently available in your area visit Wanted Listings and put in your zip code.
Buyer's exact address will be provided after you place a drop-off order and the buyer confirms it.
Before ordering, you are provided with all the information necessary to determine if a particular buyer's location will work for you:
NOTE: Until you are given the exact address, locations are accurate to about a block.
We designed BoxCycle to eliminate the need for buyer-seller communication. Wanted Listings contain all available information including box specifications and drop-off hours. If you have a question or a special situation, please contact us and we'll be happy to help you. We'll contact the buyer for you if necessary.
If you need help with directions or have other drop-off issues, you'll be able to contact the buyer near your confirmed appointment time through our Anonymous Connect service.
You can request an appointment for as little as 1 hour in advance. However, keep in mind that we will need to contact the buyer to confirm box selection and appointment time. While we contact buyers by email, phone, and fax (if available), the less advance notice you provide the less likely it is that the buyer will reply to our request before your selected appointment time. Allowing a few days for your appointment will reduce stress and uncertainty and increase the chance of a successful transaction. Some buyers require additional Lead Time and will indicate this in their listing.
For fastest processing please order from Auto-Confirm buyers (marked with AC). They do not require a confirmation step and you will receive their location immediately after ordering.
If there are no Auto-Confirm buyers in your area you will need to place a regular order and commit to two appointment times. Consider using A+ buyers if available since they are most likely to respond quickly. We recommend setting the 1st Choice to as soon as possible and choosing the longest acceptable time range using the +hrs dropdown. Then use the 2nd Choice to allow as much additional time as possible. This will maximize your chances of getting your order accepted, but will allow the buyer maximum time to reply if necessary.
Please make sure that you are able to commit to both choices or are willing to pay the cancellation fee. Leave yourself time for other options if the buyer is unable to confirm the order in time. Most urgent orders are confirmed quickly, but if your situation cannot allow for uncertainty you should use other options to get rid of your boxes.
If we are unable to confirm the order with the buyer before the end of your appointment choices, the order will be automatically cancelled with no penalties. Additionally, you can cancel the order with no penalties if:
You may also request order cancellation at an earlier time, but cancellation fees will apply. You'll have the option of transferring a cancelled order to another buyer if one is available in your area.
To maintain listing quality we remove listings of buyers who do not reply within a reasonable period of time.
You do not have to accept boxes that don't meet requirements specified in your listing. Refer to box condition and counting for details.
Please note that you cannot impose higher requirements at meeting than were specified in your listing. If boxes meet the original requirements, but you decide that you don't want them you can cancel the order by paying the seller a cancellation fee of $5. If possible, we encourage you to accept and recycle unneeded boxes if they are a small portion of the total order.
Yes, to enable Pickup go to the Delivery section in the Profile tab of your account and Add Local Delivery. The same settings apply to both delivery of boxes you sell and pickup of boxes you buy. You can specify the maximum distance you are willing to travel and charge for pickups based on distance.
Buyers who offer pickup extend their reach, appear in more searches, and are highlighted in search results.
There is no fee for creating a Wanted Listing.
There is also no cost to the buyer for drop-off orders that are 200 boxes or less and $100 or less; the fee is paid by the seller.
After the order exceeds either 200 boxes or $100, the buyer is charged $5 for each 100 additional boxes or for each additional $50, whichever is greater. This fee is capped at $50 per order and only applies to successfully completed transactions. This fee is calculated from the confirmed order details. If the final order differs by at least 80 boxes or $40 let us know and we'll adjust the fee; there are no adjustments for smaller differences and there is no need to notify us of them.
If the buyer offers pickup, BoxCycle will collect the pickup fee from the seller at order time. A commission of 5% of the collected amount will apply. Payouts work just like they do when selling.
First, about 5 minutes after your appointment time, try to contact the other party using our Anonymous Connect feature. Often they'll just be running slightly late or need some help with directions. If you are unable to get an acceptable resolution or can't reach the other party, please report the issue to us once lateness exceeds 15 minutes.
Sellers are charged fees for lateness, no shows, and other issues that inconvenience the buyer. Fees vary based on the level of inconvenience caused and are shared with the buyers. When buyers cause problems for sellers, BoxCycle gives affected sellers a credit in a similar amount and tracks the complaint against the buyer.
Please contact us if you have other questions or suggestions. We continuously strive to make BoxCycle simpler and more efficient so that more boxes can get reused. Your ideas help us add and prioritize improvements.