We determine list prices for boxes sold through BoxCycle. When boxes sell we retain our commission and remit the remainder of the sale to the seller. While sellers can specify custom prices for their boxes many use our automatic prices for most of their inventory.
Sellers can share some, or all, of their profit with buyers using the 'Rev-Share with Buyer' option in their account. This discounts all the boxes in seller's inventory and allows sellers to quickly choose between higher profit and faster turnover.
For example, with no revenue sharing (Rev-Share at 0%) by the seller, a box with a list price of $1.00 would be shown to buyers at $1.00. If the box sells the seller would receive $0.50 for the box (assuming a commission of 50%).
If the seller selects Rev-Share of 50% the box would be listed to buyers at $0.75 - a discount equal to 50% of the seller's profit from list price. If the box sells the seller would receive $0.25 for the box.
If the seller sellects a Rev-Share of 100% the box would be listed for $0.50, the lowest amount possible, and the seller would receive no profit from the sale (though we will still remit any applicable sales tax).
Buyers are able to sort their search results by Rev-Share offered by the seller. Setting a higher revenue share lowers buyers' price and will typically encourage them to purchase from you first. This is a great option for sellers who are primarily interested in getting their boxes reused as quickly as possible.